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Audretsch, David B. Scott, John T. Siegel, Donald S. Ruhm, Christopher J. Leyden, Dennis Patrick Hasselt, Martijn van Bozeman, Barry Hayter, Christopher S. Lehmann, Erik Hébert, Robert F. Antonelli, Cristiano Wright, Mike Hall, Bronwyn H. Amoroso, Sara Cunningham, James Vonortas, Nicholas S. Hébert, Robert Francis Feldman, Maryann P. Gicheva, Dora Swann, Christopher A. O'Connor, Alan C. Hobbs, Kelsi G. Adams, James D. Gallaher, Michael P. Paton, David Hodges, Nancy Scott, John T. Kuratko, Donald F. De la Mothe, John Hillier, Laura M. Bradley, Samantha R. Morris, Cody A. Guerrero, Maribel Walshok, Mary Lindenstein Starnecker, Alexander Chowdhury, Farhat Hall, Michael J. Alvarez, Sharon A. Scherer, Frederic M. Hertzfeld, Henry R. Link, Jamie R. Morrison, Laura T. R. Bauer, Laura L. Metcalfe, John S. Hardin, John Rowe, Brent Petrusa, Jeffrey E. Mothe, John Rees, John Sardar, Md Rashedur Rahman Peña, Iñaki Audretsch, David B. Sauer, R. M. All co-authors public technologiepolitik innovation entrepreneurship policy forschungskooperation transfer university firms economic entrepreneurial private economics industrieforschung based business small program unternehmensgründung sector growth sme kmu new wissenstransfer role analysis impact national development link activity intellectual academic strategies introduction standards policies parks patent technological technologietransfer sources support investments change industry unternehmenskooperation technology study capital market innovationsmanagement behavior property european empirical albert joint special issue david evaluating hochschule funded handbook advanced institutions evidence firm review process book chapter unternehmer competitiveness relationship importance partners collaborative federal audretsch entrepreneurs social global projects use case local methods effects cooperative data volume wissensmanagement technologiepark information literature perspective human overview programs key related studies immaterialgüterrechte forschung technologies productivity benefits mechanisms commercialization ventures united states equity issues research organizational age tax tech nih act family unternehmenserfolg
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Albert N. Link Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Albert Link B: 1949 Biblio: Ph.D., Economics, Tulane Univ., 1976 ; Vollständiger Vorname: Albert Ney
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations University of North Carolina at Greensboro Dartmouth College
Publishing years Series The international library of critical writings in economics (9) Foundations and trends in entrepreneurship (9) NBER Working Paper (7) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (7) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (6) Routledge studies in the history of economics (3) International Studies in Entrepreneurship (3) Dartmouth College working papers (3) International studies in entrepreneurship (3) Economics of innovation and new technology (3) SpringerLink / Bücher (2) Research policy : policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation (2) Elgar research reviews in economics (2) Economics of science, technology and innovation : ESTI (2) Economics of Science, Technology and Innovation (2) Fundamentals of pure and applied economics (2) Working paper / University of California at Berkeley, Department of Economics (2) The international library of entrepreneurship (2) Praeger special studies (2) Routledge advances in management and business studies (2) JRC working papers on corporate r&d and innovation (CoRDI) (2) Emerald points (2) Elgar research agendas (2) Managerial and Decision Economics, Forthcoming (1) Special issue on "New rationale and approaches in technology and innovation policy" (1) Research papers / Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and Economic Policy (1) Research paper series (1) Routledge studies in economic theory, method and philosophy (1) Elgaronline (1) Economics of science, technology and innovation (1) International journal of industrial organization (1) Studies in global competition (1) Elgar advanced introductions (1) Review of industrial organization (1) Routledge studies in innovation, organization and technology (1) New horizons in innovation management series (1) An Elgar reference collection (1) SpringerBriefs in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (1) Papers on entrepreneurship, growth and public policy (1) Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (1) Elgar original reference (1) Economic development quarterly : the journal of American economic revitalization (1) Palgrave Advances in the Economics of Innovation and Technology (1) Oxford handbooks (1) Routledge handbooks (1) Palgrave advances in the economics of innovation and technology (1) Strategic entrepreneurship journal : SEJ (1) SpringerBriefs in entrepreneurship and innovation (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Review of industrial organization : RIO (1) Elgar concise guides (1)