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Seitenova, Ai-Gul S. Mills, Edwin S. Ye, Victor Yifan Urzhumova, Dina S. Turaeva, Mavzuna R. Rouse, Cecilia Elena Williamson, Jeffrey G. An, Galina Chen, Mingyu Cheng, Enoch Morrison, Andrew R. Rickert, Timothy Mirkasimov, Bakhrom Grewe, Christopher D. Morrison, Andrew R. Nigmatulina, Dzhamilya Merkuryeva, Irina S. Musabek, Erbolat N. Steiner, Susan Anderson, Kathryn H. Hamer, Andrew Marshall Hemley, David D. Paltsev, Sergey Urzumova, Dina S. Morgenstern, Glen Ivliev, Vladimir Chäkímžanov, Säbit Marchenko, Grigori A. Anthopolos, Rebecca Yea, Ashley Wachtel, Paul Olofsgård, Anders Margolin, Elizabeth Dogo, Harun Devine, Peter Garcia Lemus, Brenda Ybrayev, Zhandos An, Galina All co-authors economic kazakhstan kasachstan urban income conflict program social evidence summer reform pension systemtransformation manufactured effects paper kidnapping immobilienpreis rents price outcomes impact migration russia urbanization using data kidnapped urbanisierung russland real determinants birth security central period development entwicklung rentenreform spatial policy park domestic marriage tajikistan economy american middle infant lessons post rural effect community tadschikistan ehe market law patrilocal ethnic difference economics perinatal economies growth india explore study likely kyrgyzstan indien osteuropa kirgisistan wirkungsanalyse stadtwachstum estate violence housing modeling queen bees make association minority student elevation country communities health asia implications term women republic findings markets indian upper regions prices conclude subsequent appears values important weight quality born who household gewalt frauen bevölkerungsstruktur gesundheit
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Charles M. Becker Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Charles Becker B: 1954 Staten Island, NY
Profession Economist
Affiliations Duke University. Department of Economics University of Colorado Boulder. Department of Economics Vanderbilt University
Publishing years Series ERID working paper (14) PIE discussion paper series / Project on Intergenerational Equity, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2) Institute of Public Policy and Administration, Working Paper (1) NBER Working Paper (1) Working paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Working papers / Duke University, Department of Economics (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) The Johns Hopkins studies in development (1) World Bank research publication (1) Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (1)