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All co-authors konsumentenverhalten markenimage perspective marketing customer messung measurement markenführung information models measures product category cbbe item response faceted irt based brand equity measuring portfolios markenartikel using vanishing tetrad test examine multifaceted causal directionality capturing context sensitive usage choice mixtures archetypes formative reflective facets variation cross study psychometric reality adapted mane model heterogeneous sources dual multidimensional hierarchical structure consumer facet generalizability memorable evaluating emotional experience attribute perceptions satisfaction intention recommend services präferenztheorie rationalität rationality informationsökonomik verhaltensökonomik informationsverhalten entscheidungstheorie bauwirtschaft marktforschung hierarchie hierarchy kundenintegration beziehungsmarketing experiment emotion maßzahl website kundenzufriedenheit
Composed terms consumer behaviour brand image multivariate analyse multivariate analysis brand management product category item response response perspective based brand brand equity brand portfolios formative constructs reflective constructs bounded rationality using vanishing vanishing tetrad tetrad test test examine examine multifaceted multifaceted causal causal directionality directionality capturing capturing context context sensitive sensitive information information usage usage choice choice models models mixtures mixtures information information archetypes archetypes formative formative reflective reflective measures measures facets facets variation variation cross cross product category cbbe cbbe study study item perspective psychometric psychometric measures measures marketing marketing reality reality adapted adapted mane mane faceted faceted irt irt model model heterogeneous heterogeneous sources sources customer customer based equity product category dual dual faceted faceted multidimensional multidimensional irt irt models models hierarchical hierarchical structure structure measuring measuring consumer consumer based equity brand portfolios facet facet item perspective measuring measuring cbbe cbbe brand portfolios generalizability generalizability perspective perspective memorable memorable evaluating evaluating customer customer emotional emotional experience services choice model decision theory logit modell
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Luming Wang Alternative spellings: Wang Luming Luming Wang Biblio: Tätig am Department of Marketing, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Affiliations School of Business (Edmonton, Alberta) University of Manitoba