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Louviere, Jordan J. Adamowicz, Wiktor Erdem, Tülin Hensher, David A. Donkers, Bas Feinberg, Fred M. Bekker-Grob, Esther de Li, Lianhua Salisbury, Linda Court Cherchi, Elisabetta Arentze, Theo Chorus, Caspar Lancsar, Emily Dellaert, Benedict G. C. Valenzuela, Ana Wang, Luming Eskeland, Gunnar S. Erdem, Tulin Swait, Joffre D. Feinberg, Fred M. Valenzuela, Ana Sweeney, Jill Kim, Jooyoung Morris, Jon D. Louviere, Jordan Mark, Tami Bueren, Martin van Lee, S. Todd Layton, David F. Popa, Monica Ghijben, Peter Scarpa, Riccardo Bruch, Elizabeth E. Bliemer, Michiel C. J. Coast, Joanna Huynh, Elisabeth Breunig, Robert Mitton, Craig Kirk, Martyn Donaldson, Cam Marley, A. A. J. Thiene, Mara Bruch, Elizabeth Marley, Anthony Blake, Miranda R. Argo, Jennifer Williams, Michael All co-authors konsumentenverhalten models präferenztheorie multiple decision entscheidung goal methods based elicitation markenimage nutzentheorie individuals modeling context random research different framework multi comparison discrete decisions presence approach using data information brand equity stated conjoint broader making vergleich zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse entscheidungstheorie verhaltensökonomik markenführung informationsökonomik markenartikel zufallsvariable modelling simultaneous pursuit set economics mixtures welfare stage marketing signals
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Joffre Swait Prof. Dr.
Affiliations Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam University of Alberta University of Florida University of South Australia
Publishing years Series Netspar academic series (1) ERIM report series research in management (1) ERIM Report Series Reference (1) Foundations and trends in marketing : FTMKT (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1)