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Ahn, Sun Joo Kim, Jaemin Sung, Yongjun Kwon, Eun Sook Kim, Hanyoung Kim, Kyongseok Choi, Hojoon Yoon, Hye Jin Yoo, Kyunga Lee, Kyu Hyung Choi, Dongwon King, Karen Whitehill Kim, Bong-chul Reid, Leonard N. Dwivedi, Yogesh K. Joo, Eunsin Reid, Leonard Kim, Sung-Phil Lin, Jhih-Syuan Baek, Youngshim Choi, Yang Ho Baek, Tae Hyun Yu, Jay Hyunjae Lee, Sun Young Jung, Jong-hyuok Morris, Jon D. Chen, Kuan-Ju Lee, Seungji Read, Glenna L. Hinsch, Christian Wang, Yichuan Alalwan, Ali A. Balakrishnan, Janarthanan Barta, Sergio Belk, Russell W. Buhalis, Dimitrios Dutot, Vincent Felix, Reto Filieri, Raffaele Flavián Blanco, Carlos Gustafsson, Anders Hollensen, Svend Hughes, David Laurie Jain, Varsha Krishen, Anjala S. Lartey, Jared O. Pandey, Neeraj Ribeiro-Navarrete, Samuel Raman, Ramakrishnan Rauschnabel, Philipp A. Sharma, Amalesh Sigala, Marianna Veloutsou, Cleopatra Wirtz, Jochen Swait, Joffre All co-authors advertising konsumentenverhalten werbung werbewirkung consumer effects markenimage markenführung research information brand personality attitude affective cognitive trust vertrauen confidence markenartikel metaverse marketing future study technology digital theoretical engagement health presence party certification affect roles publicity product involvement marketingmanagement datenschutz beziehungsmarketing südkorea kognition cognition werbepsychologie shape practice stream video encoding neurophysiological virtual augmented extended realities linking blockchain enhance effective efficient trustworthy bifold triadic relationships framework primer exploring humanisation snss influence partner quality behavioural effect issue fit fast food initiatives nativeness function content design congruence processing contradictory social media application
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Jooyoung Kim Alternative spellings: Kim Jooyoung Jooyoung Kim Biblio: Tätig als Assistant Prof. of Advertising at Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Univ. of Georgia