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Boxall, Peter C. Veeman, Michele M. Lloyd-Smith, Patrick Graham-Tomasi, Theodore D. Dupont, Diane P. Hu, Wuyang Dickie, Mark Swait, Joffre Veronesi, Marcella Gerking, Shelby Ding, Yulian List, John A. Alevy, Jonathan E. Luckert, Martin K. Volinskiy, Dmitriy Fletcher, Jerald J. Xie, Lusi Entem, Alicia Fenichel, Eli P. Zhang, Jing Thuy, Truong Dang Zuo, Alec Wheeler, Sarah Ann MacDonald, Darla Hatton Swait, Joffre D. Krupnick, Alan J. Armstrong, Glen W. Mohapatra, Sandeep Johnson, F. Reed Srivastava, Lorie Abbott, Joshua K. Hanley, Nick Wright, Robert Alavalapati, Janaki R. R. Louviere, Jordan J. Yen, Steven T. Swallow, Brent M. Willard, Daniel Price, James I. Zawojska, Ewa Dellaert, Benedict G. C. Hünnemeyer, Anne Hu, Wuyang Bueren, Martin van McCann-Hiltz, Diane Massey, D. Matthew Von Haefen, Roger H. Bruch, Elizabeth E. Cherchi, Elisabetta Taniguchi, Taketoshi Goss, Greg G. Kuhnke, D.H. Saito, Aya Gao, Ge Dosman, Donna Hanneman, Michael Cameron, Trudy Ann Fox, Glenn Kuperi, P. A. Shapansky, Bradford Price, J. Lu, Wei Shiyi Tao Chen, Minjie All co-authors choice zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse konsumentenverhalten preference stated experiment valuation models willingness preferences analysis environmental economics umweltökonomik disease tourismusregion alberta risk pay economic experiments choices risiko präferenztheorie using effects set measures methods risks individuals discrete gesundheitsrisiko reduce evidence contingent behavior research value non random decision umweltbewertung entscheidung heart temporal data responses social formation cost perceptions canadian revealed behavioral literature irrigation food consumers model study empirical use forestry risikopräferenz wasserversorgung ressourcenökonomik lebensmittel forstwirtschaft perception learning recreational recreation demand application accept versus time effect hunting examination based market example modeling results functional resource canada framework context case values tourism objective herzkrankheit tourismus trinkwasser bewässerung jagd verhaltensökonomik umweltpolitik umweltschutz konsumentenrente survey estimation decisions water public utility site future measuring inform reversal impacts voluntary mwtp bias oil
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Wiktor Adamowicz Prof. Alternative spellings: Wiktor L. Adamowicz W. Adamowicz W. L. Adamowicz Vic Adamowicz W. L. Vic Adamowicz B: 1959 Biblio: Dep. of Rural Economy, Fac. of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Publishing years Series University of Verona Department of Economics Working Paper (1) Working paper series (1) Working papers (1) ERIM report series research in management (1) NBER Working Paper (1) A state of knowledge report (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Water resources and agriculture (1) Frontiers of environmental & resource economics (1) Information report / Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Newfoundland and Labrador Region (1) Staff papers series / Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (1)