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Bateman, Ian Renzetti, Steven Adamowicz, Wiktor Day, Brett Price, James I. Grafton, R. Quentin Georgiou, Stavros Lloyd-Smith, Patrick Gordon, Daniel V. Carson, Richard T. Louviere, Jordan J. Day, Brett H. Emelko, Monica B. Squires, Dale Kirkley, James E. Fox, Kevin J. Matias, Nuno Gonçalo Zhang, Jing Georiou, Stavros Schram, Craig Krupnick, Alan J. Gonca, Nuno Appiah, Alfred Lloyd-Smith, Patrick R. Phipps, Shelley A. All co-authors effects choice zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse stated public behavior environmental goods awareness drinking risk preference cost ordering strategic risiko fischereipolitik water willingness pay quality analysis provided
Composed terms willingness to pay stated preference strategic behavior fisheries policy willingness pay advanced awareness water supply ontario provinz ontario province quantity regulation drinking water political affiliation environmental goods choice experiments dependent effects consumer behaviour water industry offenbarte präferenzen revealed preferences kosten nutzen analyse cost benefit analysis water conservation british columbia risk perceptions issue honour honour steven
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Diane P. Dupont Ass. Prof. Alternative spellings: Diane Dupont D. P. Dupont D. Dupont Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Guelph, Canada; Tätig an der Brock Univ., St. Catharines, Ontario, Kanada, Dep. of Economics
Publishing years Series Our environmental decision making (EDM) working paper series / CSERGE (5) Water economics and policy (1)