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Alm, James Winters, John V. Buschman, Robert D. Wallace, Sally Ihlanfeldt, Keith Ray Walker, Mary Beth Winters, John V. Pogodzinski, J. M. Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge Bahl, Roy W. Stinebrickner, Todd R. Alekseev, Aleksandr G. Wheeler, Laura Sadiraj, Vjollca Rider, Mark Feltenstein, Andrew Cornia, Gary C. Scafidi, Benjamin Bumgarner, Mary K. Holzer, Harry J. Williams, W. L. McGuire, Therese J. Walters, Lawrence C. Murray, Matthew Neal Hildreth, William Bartley Biegeleisen, J. A. Edmiston, Kelly D. Geller, Christopher R. Stephenson, Andrew V. Smith, William Joey Stoycheva, Rayna Anil, Bulent Christie, Tamoya Scafidi, Benjamin P. Grace, Martin Francis Brien, Spencer T. Choi, Ki-Whan Sewordor, Emefa Plassmann, Florenz Condon, Jeffrey Gurmu, Shiferaw Warner, Nicholas Bluestone, Peter Fatehin, Sohani Schroeder, Larry D. All co-authors state college merit aid tax programs local georgia major effect property hope effects vermögensteuer grundsteuer studienfinanzierung gemeindefinanzen student degree gemeindesteuer focus fiscal government education analysis likelihood ländersteuer bildungsverhalten based increase paper taxes scholarship financial using alternative data decisions evidence completion hochschule economic land income voting expenditures examine consistent fields administrative records university adopted finanzausgleich wirkungsanalyse steuereinnahmen states value reduce steuervergünstigung level job attendance model districts revenue affect attainment changes conditions approach higher impact capital public jamaica information
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David L. Sjoquist Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: D.L. Sjoquist B: 1942
Profession Economist
Affiliations Georgia State University. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Tulane University Economics working paper (6) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) Working paper / International Studies Program, Georgia State University (3) Andrew Young School of Policy Studies Research Paper Series (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Studies in fiscal federalism and state-local finance (2) The multi-city study of urban inequality (1) Financing state and local government in the 1990s (1) Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues (1)