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Fox, William F. Luna, LeAnn Bruce, Donald J. Bahl, Roy W. Alm, James Hill, Brian C. Edmiston, Kelly Park, Jin Seong Fletcher, Jason Harris, Matthew C. Kessler, Lawrence M. Bueckman, Donna S. Mayo, John W. Wallace, Sally Chervin, Stan Hawkins, Richard Sjoquist, David L. Welch, Jilleah G. Hildreth, William Bartley Liu, Xiaowen Carruthers, Celeste Ebel, Robert D. Harris, Matthew C. Santore, Rudy Peng, Langchuan Houndonougbo, Ahiteme N. Carruthers, Celeste K. Glenn, Beth Mandy, David M. All co-authors tax umsatzsteuer sales ländersteuer state local compliance tennessee steuervermeidung steuererhebungsverfahren steuerstrafrecht jamaika einkommensteuer steuerpolitik jamaica small developing countries income economic steuermoral steuereinnahmen finanzverwaltung körperschaftsteuer labor taxing effects business structure base evasion avoidance steuerwettbewerb
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Matthew Neal Murray Prof. Alternative spellings: Matthew N. Murray Matthew Murray B: 1958 Waterloo < Iowa> Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
Publishing years Series Working paper (2) The post-election agenda: implementation or confrontation? (1)