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Buchner, Barbara Carraro, Carlo Montero, Juan-Pablo Jacoby, Henry D. Weigt, Hannes Delarue, Erik Marcantonini, Claudio Dubroeucq, Florence Reilly, John M. Wing, Ian Sue Parsons, John E. Kasahara, Satoru Criqui, Patrick Babiker, Mustafa H. M. Schennach, Susanne M. Berndt, Ernst R. Stoker, Thomas Martin Decaux, Annelène Paltsev, Sergey Viguier, Laurent Alberola, Emilie Song, Jaemin Feilhauer, Stephan Trotignon, Raphael Decaux, Annelene Perthuis, Christian de Convery, Frank J. D'haeseleer, William D. Delarue, Erik D. Feilhauer, Stephan M. Zaklan, Aleksandar Decaux, Anneláene All co-authors emissions emissionshandel trading carbon price european market klimaschutz abatement energy union allowances countries global renewable banking developing electricity lessons emission kyoto sector scheme dioxide german efficiency based data experience paper luftverschmutzung unifying years climate trade program allowance cost luftreinhaltung effects injections themes principles cap phase acid rain permits annex targets effect elektrizitätswirtschaft klimawandel protocol temporal incentives analysis rights markets instrument actual university wirkungsanalyse umweltpolitik schwefelemissionen implicit allocation impact designing policy reductions implications caps main states reduce authors development overlapping deployment attributable presence order surcharge mission climat caisse depots list umweltabkommen Ökosteuer allokation gerechtigkeit justice help
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
A. Denny Ellerman Dr. Alternative spellings: Denny Ellerman Denny Ellermann A. D. Ellerman A. Ellerman Biblio: Ph.D. in Political Economy, Harvard Univ.
Affiliations European University Institute Alfred P. Sloan School of Management
Publishing years Series Cambridge working papers in economics (3) FEEM Working Paper (2) Working paper (2) Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements (1) Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper (1) WWZ working paper (1) EUI working paper / RSC (1) Documento de trabajo / Instituto de Economía, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Working papers (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Policy research working paper (1)