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De Cian, Enrica Timilsina, Govinda R. Lanzi, Elisa Fisher-Vanden, Karen Paltsev, Sergey V. Ellerman, A. Denny Bauer, Dana Marie Mistry, Malcolm N. Rose, Adam Fullerton, Don Carbone, Jared C. Webster, Mort Bui, Linda T. M. Calvin, Katherine Anderson, William P. Song, Jaemin Wein, Anne Jakobovits, Lisa Walker, Joan L. Baldwin, James G. Schu, Kathryn Popp, David Colelli, Francesco Pietro Balistreri, Edward J. Wei, Dan Mistry, Malcolm Jacoby, Henry D. All co-authors climate models change policy economic equilibrium analysis technology demand impacts yields growth ggcms carbon malleability klimawandel economy crop cge model klimaschutz low impact paper environmental future modeling responses results use warming assessments cost emissions sectors energiekonsum global simulated strategies assessment costs policies temperature changes reductions countries percent wirkungsanalyse data empirical implications approaches computable macroeconomic issue framework different adaptation panel wide agricultural partial interactions consequences uncertainty outcomes using econometric response scenarios expected moderate regions america while europe oceania exhibit aggregate increases historical observations yield precipitation observed attributable range potential theoretical abatement curves efficiency armenia georgia improvements key energieeinsparung armenien georgien power mixed energy integrated research emission term intensity developing induced technological computational engineering benefits regulations role development effects inter agriculture heterogeneity variables immissionsschutz makroökonometrie capital special order fast
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Ian Sue Wing Alternative spellings: Sue Wing Ian Ian Sue Wing I. S. Wing Biblio: Tätig an der Boston Univ., USA
Affiliations Boston University
Publishing years Series FEEM Working Paper (3) Working paper (3) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) World Bank E-Library Archive (1) OECD environment working paper (1)