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Noble, Gregory William Doner, Richard F. Ernst, Dieter Moss, Joanna Best, Jacqueline Epstein, Rachel A. Hochstetler, Kathryn Widmaier, Wesley Matthews, Trevor Bernard, Mitchell Soesastro, Hadi Callaghy, Thomas M. Leaver, Richard Higgott, Richard Mack, Andrew Elliott, Lorraine M. Aggarwal, Vinod K. Bisley, Nick Nesadurai, Helen Sharmini Pempel, T. J. MacIntyre, Andrew J. Emmers, Ralf Bowles, Paul Athukorala, Premachandra Moss, Joanna All co-authors political economy east global asian crisis liberalization parts financial economic trade globalization japan wirtschaftspolitik globalisierung pacific ostasien china government development regional small policies auto new industry japanese investment encouraged
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John Ravenhill Prof. Dr. B: 1950 Biblio: Direktor der Balsillie School of international Affairs
Profession Politologe
Affiliations University of Waterloo Australian National University. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Publishing years Series ¬The political economy of East Asia (3) Working paper / Department of International Relations (3) Policy papers in international affairs (2) Cambridge Asia-Pacific studies (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) MIT Japan program working papers (1) Cornell studies in political economy (1) Keynotes / Department of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Review of international political economy : RIPE (1) L'intégration régionale internationale en dehors du périmètre européen (1) Studies in world affairs (1) Australian Fulbright series (1) Macmillan international political economy series (1) Policy Research Working Paper (1) The political economy of international change (1) Working papers in trade and development (1)