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Mignonac, Karim Perrigot, Rozenn Herrbach, Olivier Vandenberghe, Christian Gond, Jean-Pascal Swaen, Valérie De Roeck, Kenneth Perrigot, Rozenn Colaianni, Gabriele Boreau, Sylvie Elgaaied-Gambier, Leila Hamdi-Kidar, Linda Ranchoux, Charlotte Croonen, Evelien Portoghese, Igor Galletta, Maura Cropanzano, Russell Battistelli, Adalgisa Hussain, Dildar Igalens, Jaques Swaen, Valérie Camerman, Julie Bagger, Jessica Piot-Lepetit, Isabelle Ko, Jaewon Paddock, E. Layne Sassi, Narjes Bij, Hans van der Niezborala, Michel Manville, Caroline Meiseberg, Brinja Babu, Nishat Igalens, Jacques Celik, Pinar Storme, Martin Molines, Mathieu Jia, Ming Du, Shuili Charbonnier-Voirin, Audrey All co-authors corporate franchising responsibility social research role model csr quantitative performance organizational frankreich france arbeitszufriedenheit arbeitsverhalten franchisees relationships employees examining emotion austauschtheorie stress franchisee rigor quickly evolving turbulent transformational exchange emotional exhaustion police microfoundations justice chains approach multi affective commitment franchise multilevel impact issues field businesses big data socially scholars führungsstil arbeitskräfte workforce gerechtigkeit mitarbeiterbindung unternehmenserfolg betriebsklima who wants explaining individual intentions quest relevance world tipping point curvilinear leadership leader member french perceive development validation multidimensional stakeholder scale psychological person centric systematic review implications centrality advice networks injustice hurts literally sleep relationship musculoskeletal disorders consistency matters affect identification drivers franchised lens dynamic capabilities frustration aggression tunisian blue collar workers voice culture prospect study investigation outcomes analyse effets médiation support
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Assâad El Akremi Alternative spellings: Assâad el Akremi Assâad El-Akremi
Affiliations Université Toulouse I Capitole Université Toulouse I Sciences sociales