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Wignaraja, Ganeshan Morgan, Peter J. Takagi, Shinji Urata, Shūjirō Zhai, Fan Petri, Peter A. Pontines, Victor Maccini, Louis J. Newfarmer, Richard S. Schmukler, Sergio L. Akiyama, Shigeru Itō, Hiro Lamberte, Mario B. Plummer, Michael G. Kuroda, Haruhiko Pomerleano, Michael Capannelli, Giovanni Fukasaku, Ki-ichirō Eichengreen, Barry Rana, Pradumna Bickram Schmiegelow, Henrik Basu Das, Sanchita Zilcha, Itzhak Okumura, Ryuhei Nangia, Rita Prasad, Eswar S. Ito, Hiroyuki Lee, Jong-Wha Itō, Takatoshi Hashimoto, Jurō Izumida, Shigemi Bhattacharyay, Biswanath Nag, Rajat M. Fujii, Mariko Hirakata, Naohisa Liu, Li-gang Iwasaki, Yuto Jayamaha, Ranee Bhattasali, Deepak Aggarwal, Vinod K. Urata, Shūjiro Ozeki, Yuzuru Yoshimatsu, Hidetaka Hamada, Kōichi Portes, Richard Wang, Jiao All co-authors financial asian east trade exchange regional policy crisis rate economic global economies paper asia international asien emerging monetary stability ostasien cooperation growth challenges ftas capital economy development integration countries world japan region prc new market rmb finanzkrise agreements implications fta including crises role issues policies wechselkurspolitik republic infrastructure markets foreign approach dollar reforms fiscal regionalism architecture free national model sector liberalization level people pacific basket impact lessons term examines contagion banking business effects key finanzmarktregulierung recent regimes macroeconomic systemic china analysis noodle banks promote need major long institutions risk rates — auslandsinvestition freihandelsabkommen kapitalmobilität internationalization legal reform flows multilateral while geldpolitik wechselkurssystem bowl framework domestic particularly suggests needs agreement future strategy arrangements country measures inflows important surveillance currencies fund direct perspective political developed partnership debt greater support rules post areas wto external government importance argues
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Masahiro Kawai Prof. B: 1947
Profession Economist
Affiliations Tōkyō Daigaku University of California Berkeley. Graduate School of Public Policy
Publishing years Series Working papers / ADB Institute (32) ADBI series on Asian economic integration and cooperation (8) ADBI Working Paper (7) ADB Institute discussion paper (6) Discussion paper / University of British Columbia, Department of Economics (6) Working papers in economics (4) Policy research working paper (4) Policy research working paper : WPS (4) Policy Research Working Paper (4) RIETI discussion paper series (3) Pacific economic paper (3) Discussion papers / Institute of Social and Economic Research (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (2) SpringerLink / Bücher (2) ADBI Working Paper 376 (1) Development Centre studies (1) ADBI Working Paper 495 (1) ADBI Working Paper 484 (1) ADBI Working Paper 475 (1) IMF working paper (1) Working paper series / Centre for Japanese Economic Studies, Macquarie University (1) Purchasing power parity (1) Journal of the Japanese and international economies : an international journal ; JJIE (1) ADBI Working Paper 460 (1) ADBI Working Paper 459 (1) IMES discussion paper series (1) ADBI Working Paper 454 (1) IMF working papers (1) RoutledgeCurzon studies in the growth economies of Asia (1) Development Centre Studies (1) ADBI Working Paper 446 (1) Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series (1) ADBI Working Paper 467 (1) Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia (1) ADBI Working Paper 377 (1) Discussion paper series / Hitotsubashi University Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences (1) Policy brief / OECD Development Centre (1) Policy studies (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) ADBI Working Paper 407 (1) ADB working paper series on regional economic integration (1) ADBI Working Paper 432 (1) Economics, Law, and Institutions in Asia Pacific (1) Economics, law, and institutions in Asia Pacific (1) Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series (1) ADB economics working paper series (1) International finance discussion papers (1)