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Years of publications: 1998 - 2016

131 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Escalated export taxes and WTO rules as trade institutions : lessons from Argentina's biodiesel exports

Nogués, Julio J.; O'Connor, Ernesto;
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;
Availability: Link

2. Missing WTO rules and a non-functioning Appellate Body: lessons from Argentina's biodiesel exports

Nogues, Julio J.; O'Connor, Ernesto;
Availability: Link

3. Mercosur- EU Trade Negotiations : Ending Trade Diversion, Strengthening Trade Institutions


After a long impasse, Mercosur and the European Union are once again negotiating to reach a Free Trade Agreement. The benefits from such a trade liberalization would be significant since these are essentially complementary economic regions. An agreement would also end decades of costly trade diversion effects and few of these are quantified in this paper. But, trade is only one of the important issues in these negotiations. The biggest Mercosur countries are making efforts towards leaving behind a decade long experiment with populism that violated several World Trade Organization rules while Europe is increasingly being threatened by right wing populism that is outspoken in favor of inward-looking economic and social policies. A Mercosur-EU would create a significant economic region with enormous potential for trade creation; such an agreement would also serve to strengthen western trade institutions and challenge the populist threats that is hanging over both of these regions

Nogues, Julio J.;
Availability: Link

4. Brexit Trade Impacts' and Mercosur's Negotiations with Europe


We estimate that a hard Brexit would reduce UK agro industrial imports from the EU by 50%. The UK Government has proposed to substitute the Common Agricultural Policy with market-oriented policies. It has also expressed interest in signing free trade agreements with interested countries and is already moving in this direction. Assuming Mercosur considers this option, then it would face two negotiations in Europe: with the EU and with the UK. How should it allocate its scarce negotiating resources and where should its political capital be put in the near future? For a number of reasons discussed in the text we argue that: i) negotiations with the EU are unlikely to deliver market access much in excess of what it has offered so far; ii) unlike these negotiations that have dragged for around twenty years, there are circumstances indicating that an FTA with the UK could be completed in a relatively short period and, iii) failing Mercosur to give these talks priority, other countries are more than likely to fill the UK import gap triggered by Brexit. We offer back-of-the-envelope estimates indicating that under such an FTA, Mercosur could triple its meat exports and double its agro-industrial exports to the UK

Nogués, Julio J.;
Availability: Link

5. America Latina y el Caribe en la economia mundial : logros y retos de las reformas comerciales (Latin America and the Caribbean in the World Economy: Achievements and Challenges for Trade Policies)


Spanish Abstract: Durante los últimos diez años la mayoría de los países de LAC disminuyeron sus barreras comerciales dejando atrás décadas de estrategias asociadas con la sustitución de importaciones. Desde comienzos del siglo XX no se presentaba una situación similar a la actual. Estas políticas comerciales son parte de un paquete mucho mas amplio de reformas que incluyen una redefinición del rol del Estado como también, avances hacia la estabilización macroeconómica. El articulo ofrece una revisión de estas reformas enfatizando el rol crucial que tendrán ciertas políticas micro y macroeconómicas en el sostenimiento de una región que actualmente esta caracterizada por economías mucho mas abiertas que en el pasado

Nogues, Julio J.; Braga, Carlos Primo Primo; Rajapatirana, Sarath;
Availability: Link

6. "Brexit trade impacts" and Mercosur’s negotiations with Europe

Nogués, Julio J.;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

7. In remembrance of J. Michael Finger

Nogués, Julio J.;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

8. International Trade : What Everyone Needs to Know, Anne O.Krueger, Oxford University Press, 2020, Pp. 339 + xvii, ISBN ‐13 978 0190900458, ISBN ‐10 0190900458

Nogues, Julio J.;
Availability: Link

9. Sustaining Trade Reform : Institutional Lessons from Peru and Argentina


This paper examines trade policies in Peru and Argentina since the reforms of the 1990s. Peru provides a valuable example of sustaining reform. Leaders have used negotiations and other international instruments to disseminate among Peruvians a positive vision of Peru in the international economy and to extend the application of World Trade Organization-based governance principles. Peru has introduced few new restrictions and all of them have been through World Trade Organization-sanctioned policy instruments. Argentina, by contrast, has introduced multiple restrictions, through procedures that eschew World Trade Organization governance principles. Moreover, leaders there have returned trade politics to the dependencia philosophy that sees the international economy as an exploitive environment. The paper brings out the weakness of international obligations to limit Argentina's return to import substitution and the pains at which Peru has gone to maintain the management of its economy within the same rules that Argentina has so easily violated

Baracat, Elias; Finger, Joseph Michael; Thorne, Raul Leon; Nogues, Julio J.;
Availability: Link

10. Mercosur- EU Trade negotiations: ending trade diversion, strengthening trade institutions

Nogues, Julio J.;
Availability: Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Michael Pomerleano

Biblio: Tätig an der Bank for International Settlements, Basel; Tätig bei der World Bank, Washington, DC, USA; Senior capital markets specialist in the Capital Markets


  • Economist
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Working papers / ADB Institute (2)
    2. ADBI Working Paper (1)
    3. Discussion paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (1)
    4. EBSCOhost eBook Collection (1)
    5. World Bank/IMF/Brookings emerging market series (1)
    6. Policy research working paper : WPS (1)
    7. Policy research working paper (1)