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GND: 157178269

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Years of publications: 1400 - 2022

22 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Getting models (and modellers) to inform long-term mitigation strategies

Lecocq, Franck; Nadaï, Alain; Cassen, Christophe;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

2. Getting models and modellers to inform deep decarbonization strategies

Lecocq, Franck; Nadaï, Alain; Cassen, Christophe;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link Link
Citations: 2 (based on OpenCitations)

3. Feed-in tariffs in the European Union : renewable energy policy, the internal electricity market and economic expertise

Cointe, Béatrice; Nadaï, Alain;
Availability: Link
Citations: 8 (based on OpenCitations)

4. Energy transitions : a socio-technical inquiry


This book elucidates what it means to transition to alternative sources of energy and discusses the potential for this energy transition to be a more democratic process. The book dynamically describes a recent sociotechnical study of a number of energy transitions occurring in several countries - France, Germany and Tunisia, and involving different energy technologies - including solar, on/off-shore wind, smart grids, biomass, low-energy buildings, and carbon capture and storage. Drawing on a pragmatist tradition of social inquiry, the authors examine the consequences of energy transition processes for the actors and entities that are affected by them, as well as the spaces for political participation they offer. This critical inquiry is organised according to foundational categories that have defined the energy transition - "renewable" energy resources, markets, economic instruments, technological demonstration, spatiality ("scale") and temporality ("horizon(s)"). Using a set of select case studies, this book systematically investigates the role these categories play in the current developments in energy transitions. Inhalt: Introduction: From "The Energy Transition" to "Energy transitions in-the-making" -- Chapter 1: Re-materializing energy transition processes -- Chapter 2: Economizing the Energy Transition -- Chapter 3: The Politics of Policy Instruments -- Chapter 4: The Technological Demonstration at the core of the Energy Transition -- Chapter 5: (Dis)placing or the spatialities the energy transition processes -- Chapter 6: (De)populating or the temporalities of energy transition processes -- Conclusion

Labussière, Olivier; Nadaï, Alain;
Type: Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors;
Availability: Link
Citations: 31 (based on OpenCitations)

5. A survey on the public perception of CCS in France

Ha-Duong, Minh; Campos, Ana Sofia; Nadai, Alain;
Availability: The PDF logo

6. French policy localism: Surfing on ‘Positive Energie Territories’ (Tepos)

Nadaï, Alain; Labussière, Olivier; Debourdeau, Ariane; Régnier, Yannick; Cointe, Béatrice; Dobigny, Laure;
Availability: Link

7. A survey on the public perception of CCS in France

Ha-Duong, Minh; Campos, Ana-Sofia; Nadai, Alain;
Availability: The PDF logo

8. A survey on the public perception of CCS in France

Ha-Duong, Minh; Campos, Ana Sofia; Nadai, Alain;
Availability: Link

9. Playing with the line, channelling multiplicity: wind power planning in the Narbonnaise (Aude, France)

Nadaï, Alain; Labussière, Olivier;

10. Renewable energy costs, potentials, barriers: Conceptual issues


Renewable energy sources and technologies Costs and prices Potentials and barriers

Verbruggen, Aviel; Fischedick, Manfred; Moomaw, William; Weir, Tony; Nadaï, Alain; Nilsson, Lars J.; Nyboer, John; Sathaye, Jayant;
Availability: Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata


Publishing years



  1. ERD working paper / Asian Development Bank (3)
  2. Research programme on the Chinese economy (1)