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Yap, Chin-Fang Rana, Pradumna Bickram Wignaraja, Ganeshan Worswick, Christopher Cameron, Lisa Zhuang, Juzhong Summers, Peter M. Hiemenz, Ulrich Lahiri, Ashok K. Ray, David Castillo, Charissa N. Yap, Chin-Fang Go, Evelyn M. Soo, David Ali, Ifzal Quibria, Muhammad G. Cheang, Chia Tien Lloyd, Peter J. Yap, Chin Fang Dowling, John M. Zhuang, Juzhong Kuncoro, Mudrajad Dowling, Malcolm Chin-fang, Yap Chin-Fang, Yap Krongkaew, Medhi All co-authors asien economic asia asian countries developing wirtschaftswachstum chronic development policies foreign capital armut poverty entwicklungsländer entwicklung central global crisis causes indonesia evidence indonesien future prospects policy financial warning model income paper happiness perspective thailand economies philippinen philippines early market regions
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
John Malcolm Dowling Alternative spellings: J. Malcolm Dowling J. M. Dowling John Malcolm Dowling Malcolm Dowling B: 1939 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Hawai'i, USA ; Tätig bei der Asian Development Bank (1996); Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Economics Office report series (4) Research paper / University of Melbourne, Department of Economics (3) ERD working paper series (2) ERD working paper / Asian Development Bank (2) ADB working paper series on regional economic integration (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Advanced Research on Asian Economy and Economies of Other Continents Ser. (1) Advanced research in Asian economic studies (1) CEDA information paper (1) DRD discussion paper (1) Asian Development Bank economic staff paper (1) Thammasat University, Faculty of Economics, Research Report Series (1) Economics Office Report Series, Asian Development bank, Economics Office report (1)