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Tschang, Ted Hasan, Rana Reyes-Macasaquit, Mari-Len Quibria, Muhamed G. Ahmed, Shamsun Naher Huang, Yongfu Rashid, Salim Pernia, Ernesto M. Panagariya, Arvind Rao, Narhari Akanda, Albab Harrigan, Frank J. Rivera-Batiz, Francisco L. Srinivasan, Thirukodikaval N. Dowling, John Malcolm Kim, Yangseon Estrada, Gemma Asra, Abuzar James, William E. All co-authors growth development aid asia asien asian economic developing paper armut poverty wirtschaftswachstum issues social countries entwicklungsländer migration policy empirical reduction icts foreign capital review policies international trade economies inclusive green reference number important evidence microcredit data critical special new role model determinants global sustainable information technology note effectiveness human research positive different household entwicklungshilfe armutsbekämpfung informationstechnik
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Muhammad G. Quibria Alternative spellings: Muhammad Ghulam Quibria Muhamed Ghulam Quibria Muhamed G. Quibria M. G. Quibria Muhamed Quibria Biblio: Tätig bei der Asian Development Bank, Manila
Profession Economist
Affiliations Morgan State University
Publishing years Series Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (4) ERD working paper series (4) ADB Institute research paper series (3) ERD working paper / Asian Development Bank (3) Rural poverty in developing Asia (2) Elgar companions to international organisations (1) Palgrave pivot (1) ADB economics working paper series (1) Economic staff paper (1) Economics and Development Resource Center report series (1) Asian Development Bank economic staff paper (1) Economics Office report series (1)