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Schot, Johan Raff, Daniel M. G. Blaszczyk, Regina Lee Davidson, Janet F. Gibbert, Michael Spiekermann, Uwe Berghoff, Hartmut Fridenson, Patrick Laak, Dirk van Diogo, Maria Paula Vleuten, Erik van der Kaijser, Arne Högselius, Per Vinsel, Lee Friedman, Walter Vinokurova, Natalya Germuska, Pál François, Pierre Sturchio, Jeffrey L. Pope, Daniel Orts, Eric W. Hansen, Per H. Jones, Geoffrey Gordon, Gwendolyn Godelier, Eric Galambos, Louis Doerflinger, Thomas All co-authors chapter business socialist wirtschaftsgeschichte unternehmensgeschichte enterprises socialism economy sozialismus practice american enterprise technological jet innovation book prc chinese industrialization china organization experiment europe communist emergence routines transition research propulsion development postwar century project generation managers early initiatives day planwirtschaft industrialisierung industriegeschichte europa geschichte hungary volume theft foundations philadelphia technology anthropology managing poland czechoslovakia infrastructure military sources essays america manufacturing manufacture preface core capitalist introduction geography society forced agriculture construction commerce revolt constructing post world entrepreneurs resources technical organizational performance organizations organized industries chapters historical ungarn entwicklung systemtransformation wirtschaftssystem wirtschaftsreform geschichte 1950 1971 geschichte 1850 2000 anthropologie wirtschaftskultur unternehmenspolitik technikgeschichte wirtschaftsentwicklung textilindustrie chaos creating futures visions histories webs productive patterns institution formation limits people making − history opinions interviews author rejoinder europeans rise failure floor firm site
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Philip Scranton Prof. B: 1946 Biblio: Georgia Inst. of Techn. ; University Board of Governors Professor Emeritus, History of Industry and Technology, at Rutgers University, USA
Profession Historiker
Affiliations Rutgers University
Publishing years Series Palgrave Debates in Business History (2) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Worlds of consumption (1) Hagley perspectives on business and culture (1) Major problems in American history series (1) Economy and society in the modern South (1)