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Groll, Thomas Fender, John Fausten, Dietrich K. Blonigen, Bruce A. Thoma, Mark Allen Dincer, Oguzhan C. Wu, Jiabin Holden, Steinar Silva, Emilson C. D. Nouweland, Anne van den Waddell, Glen R. Davies, Ronald B. Thompson, Jon Friedrich, Silke Disney, Richard Nomer, Bulent Caplan, Arthur J. Thompson, Jon C. Dickerson, Andrew P. Peirson, John Kolpin, Van W. Naughton, Barry Butler, Alison All co-authors policymakers information model commercial special welfare interests repeated lobbyists policy fdi firms problem political using explain lobbying cultural contracts market agency interessenpolitik structure implications industrial lobby size minority auslandsinvestition direct industry democracy ownership social labor relationship equilibrium incentives time strategic performance requirements resource implicit presence interactions directly employ professional new game tax financial contributions contracting demokratie evidence complementarities culture simple dynamic keiretsu salience following assume heterogeneity matching type results able representation total groupings who investment extension capital cooperative based
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Christopher J. Ellis Alternative spellings: C. J. Ellis Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene; Tätig am Dep. of Economics, Keynes College, Univ. of Kent
Publishing years Series CESifo working papers (5) CESifo Working Paper Series (5) Studies in economics (3) Discussion papers / Department of Economics, The University of Birmingham (2) Memorandum from Department of Economics, University of Oslo (2) NBER Working Paper (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) University of Oregon Economics Department working papers (1) Department of Economics discussion paper / Department of Economics, The University of Birmingham (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Working paper / Department of Commerce, College of Business, Massey University (1) Department of Economics discussion papers / Monash University (1)