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Henrich, Joseph Wallace, Christopher Barr, Abigail Leder-Luis, Jetson Barrett, Clark Barnes, Carolyn Jomo Kwame Sundaram Vanberg, Viktor Fryer, Roland G. <Jr.> Solnick, Sara J. McInnes, Melayne Louise Morgan Eckel, Catherine C. McElreath, Richard Ziker, John Tracer, David Marlowe, Frank Lesorogol, Carolyn Gwako, Edwins Gurven, Michael Cárdenas, Juan-Camilo Bolyanatz, Alexander Barrette, H. Clark O'Keefe, Phil All co-authors chapter games punishment economic data experimental new henrich cross kenya game jean ensminger joseph kenia society social norms
Composed terms jean ensminger joseph henrich social norms fairness punishment institutional economics bargaining games cross cultural experimental economics henrich chapter economic culture experimentelle Ökonomik homo Æqualis Æqualis cross cross society society experimental experimental analysis analysis bargaining experimenting social norms fairness punishment cross cultural perspective economic anthropology property rights political economy benford law party punishment henrich jean ensminger abigail abigail barr papua new new guinea chapter economic bargaining theory game theory behavioral economics soziale ungleichheit social inequality soziale norm social norm soziales verhalten social behaviour field research Ökonomische anthropologie theory of property rights ethnische gruppe ethnic group detecting fraud fraud development development aid aid homo
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jean Evelyn Ensminger Alternative spellings: Jean E. Ensminger Jean Ensminger B: 1952 Biblio: Tätig am California Institute of Technology ; Tätig an der Washington University, St. Louis
Publishing years Series NBER working paper series (1) Documento CEDE (1) Documentos CEDE (1) Russell Sage Foundation Series on Trust (1) Society for Economic Anthropology monographs (1) Beijer discussion paper series (1) The Political economy of institutions and decisions (1) Working paper / Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi (1) Energy, environment and development in Africa (1)