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Long, Ngo Van Cheng, Leonard K. Liao, Pei-cheng Yip, Chong Kee Heiduk, Günter Dinopoulos, Elias Kemp, Murray C. Yang, Xiaokai Lockwood, Ben Jensen, Bjarne S. Woodland, Alan D. Raimondos-Møller, Pascalis Lahiri, Sajal Shimomura, Kōji Lee, Jaerang Bianconi, Marcelo Cheung, Yin-Wong Bhagwati, Jagdish N. Kohli, Ulrich Brown, Gardner Mallard Krueger, Anne O. Fujiwara, Kenji Bruce, Neil Miyagiwa, Kazuyuki Liao, Pei-Cheng Hwang, Hong Kleinert, Jörn Kim, HanSung Chu, Kai-hsi Chou, Win-lin Leung, Wing-fai Saygili, Mesut Grinols, Earl L. All co-authors trade international growth economic außenwirtschaftstheorie income wto world factor policy china labor auslandsinvestition case model endogenous foreign welfare wohlfahrtsökonomik capital
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Kar-yiu Wong Prof. Alternative spellings: Kari-yiu Wong B: 1950 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Washington, Seattle, Wash., USA; Tätig am Harbin Inst. of Technology
Publishing years Series Studies in International Economics Ser. (1) Routledge studies in the modern world economy (1) Working paper series / Economic Policy Research Unit, Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1) Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1) Contributions to economics (1) Contributions to Economics (1) Symposium on the Welfare Economics of International Trade and Investment (1) Studies in international economics (1) Working paper series (1) Diskussionsbeiträge / 2 (1) Discussion papers in economics (1)