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Yoshino, Joe Akira Sammon, Marco Fisher, Walter H. Turnovsky, Stephen J. Esposito, Federico Tan, Chih Ming McLachlan, Scott Hua, Xiaxin Machado de Sousa, Mariana O. Cai, Zhe Chen, Richard Tan, Liang Richards, Daniel Jay Yuan, Heng Palybos, Theodōros Wong, Kar-yiu All co-authors value policy budget market rate intertemporal policies financial model sector evidence equity effects economy stock firm open dynamic returns return firms companies monetary government kapitaleinkommen finanzpolitik markets real steuerpolitik empirical using exchange prices assets negative effect factors cross price capital significant trade adjustment implied risk free stocks exposure listing premium fiscal models risiko macroeconomic volatility systemic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Marcelo Bianconi Alternative spellings: M. Bianconi
Affiliations Tufts University
Publishing years Series Economics Department working paper (11) IHS economics series : working paper (2) Reihe Ökonomie (2) NBER Working Paper (1) Review of International Economics, 22(1), 116-130, February 2014 (1) Energy Economics (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)