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Siegel, Paul B. Alwang, Jeffrey R. Kraybill, David S. Figueroa-Armijos, Maria Scott, James K. Schmit, Todd M. Bonanno, Alessandro Jablonski, B. B. R. Broomhall, David Bernat, G. Andrew Orden, David Altman, Ira J. Otto, Daniel Swallow, Brent M. Deaton, Brady J. Brown, William J. Cox, Anna M. Klein, Peter Dabson, Brian Refsgaard, Karen Alva-Lizarraga, Sara Figueroa-Armijos, María Sanders, Dwight R. Bergtold, Jason Altman, Ira Gutiérrez, Lidia Carvajal Mishra, Bhawani Poudel, Krishna Lal Meyers, William H. Joppe, Marion Reinl, Leana Kelliher, Felicity Hendrickson, Mary Rossi, James D. O'Grady, Kevin All co-authors economic agriculture landwirtschaft analysis policy regional virginia development wirkungsanalyse community entrepreneurship model input output agroindustrie measuring wealth food impacts local case farm ernährungssicherung unternehmensgründung regionalentwicklung regionalökonomik bodenschutz stocks association systems efforts urban places network study policies growth impact hierarchy place based infrastructure decision framework activities conservation reserve program counties ernährungsindustrie vermögen kmu sme agrarpolitik skalenertrag wirtschaftspolitik wirtschaftsförderung lebensqualität entscheidung agrarsubvention rural conventional sales role trust building tourism micro firm engagement multi agricultural markets activity efficiency determinants different size altitude categories organic coffee
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Thomas G. Johnson Prof. Prof. Alternative spellings: Thomas Johnson Biblio: University of Missouri ; Department of Agricultural Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute ; Virginia State University
Affiliations University of Missouri
Publishing years Series Working papers / Cornell University, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management (1) Proceedings from the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association (1) A Westview special study (1) Bulletin / Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1)