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Variyam, Jayachandran N. Johnson, Thomas G. Lobao, Linda M. Gabe, Todd M. Partridge, Mark D. Bittencourt, Maurício Vaz Lobo Larson, Donald W. Weber, Bruce A. Isoto, Rosemary E. Southgate, Douglas McNamara, Kevin T. Yoder, Michael J. Dorfman, Jeffrey H. Orden, David Seung, Chang K. Moreno-Sanchez, Rocio Bashaasha, Bernard Thompson, Stanley Sam, Abdoul G. Ulimwengu, John Shideler, David W. DeMay, Sara Wackler Loibl, Cäzilia Jeanty, P. Wilner Betz, Michael R. Deaton, Brady J. All co-authors economic rural development analysis growth ohio small wirtschaftsförderung betriebsgröße unternehmenswachstum agricultural role incentives
Composed terms economic development firm growth rural development regional business growth programme firm size ländliche entwicklung development incentives state economic equilibrium analysis rural small small firms human capital Ökonometrisches modell econometric model poverty reduction business start up 1993 1995 georgia bundesstaat usa georgia usa state uninsured health health shocks shocks agricultural agricultural productivity productivity rural rural households households mitigating mitigating role role micro micro credit credit localities localities provide provide economic incentives geographic geographic competition competition political political constituencies constituencies government government capacity capacity poverty poverty place place united states county county governments governments matter matter distribution distribution economic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David S. Kraybill Prof. Alternative spellings: David Kraybill David L. Kraybill Biblio: Tätig an der Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Tätig an der Univ. of Georgia, Athens
Affiliations The @Ohio State University University of Georgia
Publishing years Series Bulletin / Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (1)