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Whitaker, Morris Duane Salazar Canelos, Pablo Brown, Lawrence A. Sierra, Rodrigo Sohngen, Brent Graham, Douglas H. Roberts, Lois J. Camacho-Saa, Carlos Sanders, John Houston Runge, Carlisle Ford Roberts, Lois Brazee, Richard J. Clark, Howard L. Elgegren, Jorge Coles-Ritchie, Marc Jensen, Clarence W. Cramer, Gail L. Jurado, Jorge Coxhead, Ian Tweeten, Luther Kraybill, David S. Bashaasha, Bernard Fortmann, Lea Maldonado, Jorge Higinio Rodríguez-Mezo, Jorge González Vega, Claudio Tweeten, Luther G. Gitter, Robert J. Gitter, Seth R. Estapé Rodríguez, Fabián Lundine, John Haab, Timothy C. Ehui, Simeon K. All co-authors deforestation entwaldung ecuador tropical latin america local fruit lateinamerika landwirtschaft development agriculture globalized entrepreneurs world forstpolitik regenwald rainforest tropen tropics forests country land agricultural timber degradation entwicklung naturschutz forest food economy environmental trade case economic causes business southgate roberts multinational international sparen savings ernährungssicherung entwicklungsländer holzeinschlag market guatemala banana exporting achieved worldwide reach use consequences liberalization
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Douglas Southgate Prof. emer., Dr. Alternative spellings: D. Southgate Douglas DeWitt Southgate Douglas de Witt Southgate Douglas de Witt Southgate Douglas DeWitt Southgate Douglas D. Southgate B: 1952
Profession Economist Ökologe
Affiliations The @Ohio State University
Publishing years Series CSERGE working paper / GEC (3) Discussion paper / London Environmental Economics Centre (3) De Gruyter eBook-Paket Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1) Staff paper series (1) CSERGE working paper / WM (1) Gatekeeper series (1) Staff papers series / Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota (1) Proceedings from the annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association (1) Westview Special studies in natural resources and energy management (1)