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Vicarelli, Claudio Basile, Roberto De Santis, Roberta Girardi, Alessandro Malgarini, Marco Parente, Francesca Pappalardo, Carmine Traù, Fabrizio Galli, Giampaolo Arrighetti, Alessandro DeCaprariis, Giulio Heimler, Alberto Micossi, Stefano Cipolletta, Innocenzo Goglio, Alessandro Pensa, Cristina Frale, Cecilia Calcagnini, Giorgio All co-authors trade italy italien effect regional effects factors countries heterogeneity eurozone firm currency sectoral euro industries handelseffekt business firms impact dynamic level single winners large data specific results area analysis estimates country sector early emu members recent literature industrie cycles losers process specialization monetary study cycle national differences help light gravity panel blundell bond preliminary pro regions productivity produktivität automation gravitationsmodell italian european union role internazionale del italiana shocks europe paper shed main influencing flows intend verify whether individual sectors common entire use specification augmented equation following econometric apply estimator avoid inconsistency biases introduce controls integration line issue empirical
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Sergio De Nardis Alternative spellings: Sergio de Nardis Biblio: Tätig am Centro Studi, Roma, und Prof., Univ. Urbino, IT; Tätig am Institute for Studies and Economic Analyses (ISAE), Rome
Affiliations Nomisma SpA (Bologna) Libera università internazionale degli studi sociali Guido Carli
Publishing years Series Temi e discussioni (2) Working paper (2) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment e-journal (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment journal (1) ISAE Working Paper (1) Università : economia (1) Rivista di politica economica (1) Analisi / Osservatorio nazionale per l'internazionalizzazione e gli scambi, Fondazione Manlio Masi (1) ENEPRI working paper (1) Rapporto CSC (1)