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De Nardis, Sergio Costa, Stefano De Benedictis, Luca Sallusti, Federico De Santis, Roberta Zurlo, Davide Nenci, Silvia Santoni, Gianluca Tajoli, Lucia Fioramanti, Marco Pappalardo, Carmine Boselli, Carlo Mercuri, Maria Cristina Manzocchi, Stefano Fantacone, Stefano Costa, Stefano de Santis, Roberta Zurlo, Davide Rinaldi, Marco Padoan, Pier Carlo All co-authors firms italian analysis economic countries new eurozone effect using effects factors country industries euro paper results size italien italy handelseffekt currency european gravity data impact
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Claudio Vicarelli
Affiliations Istituto Nazionale di Statistica Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica (Rom)
Publishing years Series LEM working paper series (3) Centre for European Policy Studies Working Paper (2) LLEE working paper series : working paper (1) STRECO_2021_00880 (1) Banque de France Working Paper (1) Working paper (1) Documents de travail / Banque de France (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment e-journal (1) Economics : the open-access, open-assessment journal (1) ISAE Working Paper (1) Working paper / ENEPRI, European Network of Economic Policy Research Institutes (1) Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy (1) CEPS working documents (1) ENEPRI working paper (1)