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Fagan, Gabriel Constâncio, Vítor Cabral, Inês Detken, Carsten Henry, Jérôme Hiebert, Paul Kapadia, Sujit Grodzicki, Maciej Santos, Fátima P. dos Levy, Aviram Valckx, Nico Castrén, Olli Fahr, Stephan Altimar, Sergio Nicoletti Nicoletti-Altimari, Sergio Pires, Fatima Lee, Junkyu Rosenkranz, Peter Park, Cyn-Young Martin, Reiner Browne, F. X. All co-authors ecb policy financial tools systemic stability framework paper risk stress institutional analytical cycle ireland describes new area country level methods finanzkrise irland testing rates term irish finanzmarktaufsicht geldpolitik zentralbank wechselkurs strategy policies foreign long business exchange volatility migration occasional functions organised key function inception tasks later conferred single supervisory mechanism regulation governance set reviewing concept origins reflects emergence aftermath crisis objectives instruments specific aspects monetary union euro responsibilities required developed measure institution wide discusses selected supporting surveillance assessment work analysis grouped broad areas gauge state instability prospects near measures capture build focused measurement early warning purposes bankenregulierung finanzmarkt eurozone systemrisiko bankenaufsicht schätzung estimation zeitreihenanalyse volatilität devisenmarkt nonperforming loans asia europe causes impacts resolution strategies macroprudential closing gap cross border macro progress future ecu tentative apparent
Composed terms analytical tools paper describes financial crisis eu staaten eu countries monetary policy exchange rate systemic risk financial supervision central bank policy ecb ecb institutional institutional framework framework strategy strategy analytical tools policies policies macroprudential financial stability occasional paper describes financial stability macroprudential policy functions functions organised organised ecb ecb financial stability key key policy policy function function ecb ecb inception inception macroprudential policy tasks tasks later later conferred conferred ecb ecb single single supervisory supervisory mechanism mechanism ssm ssm regulation regulation paper describes ecb ecb macroprudential macroprudential governance governance framework framework new new institutional institutional set set reviewing reviewing concept concept origins origins systemic risk reflects reflects emergence emergence macroprudential policy aftermath aftermath financial crisis objectives objectives instruments instruments specific specific aspects aspects policy policy area area monetary monetary union union euro euro area area ecb ecb responsibilities responsibilities required required new new tools tools developed developed measure measure systemic risk financial financial institution institution country country wide wide level level paper paper discusses discusses selected selected analytical supporting financial stability surveillance surveillance assessment analysis ecb financial instability measurement early eu issues
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John P. C. Fell Alternative spellings: John Fell Biblio: DG-Macroprudential Policy and Fiancial Stability, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am main, Germany ; Central Bank of Ireland (1989)
Publishing years Series Technical paper / Research and Publications Department, Central Bank of Ireland (3) Staff paper / European Monetary Institute (2) ECB Occasional Paper (1) Occasional paper series / European Central Bank (1) Technical paper / Research Department, Central Bank of Ireland (1) Papers and proceedings of the Irish Economics Association ... annual conference ... (1)