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Pangestu, Mari Findlay, Christopher Lloyd, Peter J. Bacchetta, Marc Gilbert, John P. Scollay, Robert D. J. Laird, Samuel Graham, Edward M. Chen, Chunlai Wooden, Mark Makin, A. J. Liu, Xuepeng Graham, Edward E. Lewis, Mervyn Razzaque, Mohammad A. Basri, M. Chatib Neufeld, Inge Nora Kaufmann, Uwe Grynberg, Roman Turrini, Alessandro Cernat, Lucian Baccetta, Marc Forsyth, Peter All co-authors auslandsinvestition investment trade pacific australia australien entwicklungsländer industrial wto apec policy issues handelsliberalisierung tariff doha development agenda international investitionspolitik liberalization world non foreign multinational environment evidence tariffs regional australian implications region transport zoll außenhandelspolitik industriepolitik freihandelsabkommen economic impact agreement ldcs quantification measures direct research fdi free access modelling financial products trading arrangements economy capital principles air handelseffekt gravitationsmodell schätzung estimation wachstumspolitik zollpolitik ostasien globalisierung globalization neuseeland außenwirtschaftspolitik luftverkehr außenwirtschaftstheorie analysis arbitration cases evaluating information technology incentives performance requirements architecture marginalization small vulnerable states rolling malaria asia economies distribution production link duty quota cge east asian crisis post uruguay round market barriers assessing workplace characteristics effects wages role corporations globalizing affiliates companies human ownership evolution regulation globalisation deliver potential afta internationalisation canada priority binding
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Bijit K. Bora Alternative spellings: Bijit Bora B: 1961 D: 2006Biblio: Tätig bei der World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland; Tätig bei der United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva, Switzerland; Tätig an der Australian National Univ., Australia; Tätig an der Flinders Univ. of South Australia, Australia
Publishing years Series Policy discussion paper / Centre for International Economic Studies, University of Adelaide (8) Policy issues in international trade and commodities (5) Centre for International Economic Studies (3) WTO discussion papers (2) Routledge studies in international business and the world economy (2) United Nations publication (1) Working paper series / National Institute of Labour Studies (1) Chinese Economies Research Centre (1) Seminar paper (1) Working papers in economics and econometrics (1)