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Fischer, Stanley Zanello, Alessandro Boote, Anthony R. Kassum, Jemal-ud-din Mazarei, Adnan Hadjimichael, Michael T. Anderson, Jonathan Fisher, Matthew Nankani, Gobind T. Allen, Mark Kähkönen, Juha S. Ebrill, Liam P. Plant, Mark W. Leipziger, Danny M. Lahiri, Ashok Hicklin, John Cottarelli, Carlo Zettelmeyer, Jeromin All co-authors staff executive statement board discussion report public information notice wirtschaftslage article consultation director wirtschaftspolitik republic democratic supplement japan timor leste finanzpolitik lao people indonesia policy indonesien schuldenmanagement korea mongolia post program monitoring discussions challenges issues poverty reduction stabilization laos mongolei
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Daniel Citrin Alternative spellings: Daniel A. Citrin Biblio: Tätig beim Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC, USA
Publishing years Series IMF country report (32) International monetary fund series (1) Procyclicality of Financial Systems in Asia (1) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (1) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (1) IMF paper on policy analysis and assessment (1)