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Ghura, Dhaneshwar Nankani, Gobind T. Basu, Anupam Mühleisen, Martin Madavo, Callisto Chopra, Ajai Nord, Roger Üçer, Murat Galy, Michel Fajgenbaum, José Shadman-Valavi, Mohammad Donovan, Donal Tahari, Amor Berengaut, Julian Verreydt, Eric Takeda, Masahiko Abed, George T. Kapur, Ishan Andrews, David Kalter, Eliot R. Rodlauer, Markus Rumbaugh, Thomas Deppler, Michael Schiff, Jerald Alan Szymczak, Philippe Atkinson, Caroline Nsouli, Saleh M. Tseng, Wanda Márquez-Ruarte, Jorge Cottarelli, Carlo Citrin, Daniel Hilbers, Paul Louis Ceriel Nellor, David C. L. Kähkönen, Juha S. Thomsen, Poul M. Madavo, Callisto E. Donovan, Paula Nowak, Michael Nishimizu, Mieko Corker, Robert J. Basu, A. Havrylyshyn, Oleh Christensen, Benedicte V. Katz, Menachem Nowak, M. Sharer, Robert L. Katsu, Shigeo Patel, Praful Coe, David T. Collyns, Charles All co-authors staff executive statement report board discussion growth public director wirtschaftslage information notice article consultation performance wirtschaftspolitik poverty reduction arrangement armutsbekämpfung release press review request economic sub saharan policies countries paper republic facility waiver private year criteria zentralafrika african cfa franc adjustment assessment joint stand wirtschaftswachstum macroeconomic investment structural reforms investition entwicklung investigation strategy progress supplement program savings analysis capita external sparen criterion empirical kyrgyz pakistan positive government reduce rate promote tanzania policy nonobservance post effects stability zone emu bolivia modification tansania better achieving gdp results empirically
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Michael T. Hadjimichael Alternative spellings: M. T. Hadjimichael Michael Hadjimichael Michalel T. Hadjmichel Michael T. Hadjmichael Biblio: Tätig am African Dep. Internat. Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC, USA
Publishing years Series IMF country report (68) IMF working papers (4) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (4) IMF working paper (4) Occasional paper / International Monetary Fund (4) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-122, 1994 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-32, 1995 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-46, 1995 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-42, 1997 (1)