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Alonso-Carrera, Jaime Raurich-Puigdevall, Xavier Panadés i Martí, Judith Bandeira, Guilherme Vella, Eugenia Pomanskij, Aleksej Borisovič Fuster, Luisa Dumitrescu, Ariadna Vella, Eugenia Moro-Egido, Ana I. Krishnan, Murugappa Manresa Sánchez, Antonio Hromcová, Jana Llull, Joan Esteban, Joan Jarque, Xavier Michetti, Elisabetta Sákovics, József Esteban Marquillas, Joan María Esteban, Joan Maria Bandeira, Guillherme Santos, Manuel All co-authors tax migration distribution consumption fiscal intergenerational effects social aversion security income economy growth austerity model chapter hikes policy
Composed terms overlapping generations intergenerational mobility habit formation social mobility tax avoidance endogenes wachstumsmodell endogenous growth model fiscal policy consumption externalities utility function soziale mobilität intergenerationale Übertragung intergenerational transfer fiscal consolidation income hypothesis tax reports insider trading income distribution risk aversion security distribution economic growth human capital imperfect competition international migration internationale migration intergenerational equity growth theory optimale besteuerung optimal taxation unvollkommener wettbewerb tax enforcement
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jordi Caballé Dr. Alternative spellings: Jordi Caballé Vilella Jordi Caballé-Vilella Jordi Caballé Vilella J. Caballé Biblio: Tätig am Dep. d'Economia i d'Història Econòmica, Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona, Spanien
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (7) Discussion papers / Departament d'Economia i Ha. Econòmica at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (5) Discussion papers (3) Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (2) Paper / Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic, and Management Sciences, Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University (2) BSE working paper : working papers (1) Banco de Espana Working Paper (1) Documentos de trabajo / Banco de España (1) UB Economics Working Papers E16/351 (1) Springer eBook Collection (1) CAMA Working Paper (1) CAMA working paper series (1) Working paper / Industriens Utredningsinstitut (1)