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Ho, Chia-Ling McNamara, Michael J. Butler, Richard Han, Sangyong Witt, Robert C. Han, Li-ming Jeng, Vivian Wang, Jennifer L. Chen, Lih Ru Lee, Jin-ping Ho, Chia-ling Lu, Erin P. Scordis, Nicos A. Barrese, James Huang, Li-ying Jin, Licheng Wen, Min-ming Martin, Anna D. O'Brien, Thomas J. Chang, Vincent Y. Yu, Tong Lee, Jin-Ping Chen, Mei Su Wang, Jennifer Hsiao, Tzy-yih Limpaphayom, Piman Chen, Shaw-kuan Tzeng, Larry Y. Huang, Yenyu Rebecca Merrill, Craig B. Hsu, Wen-Yen Ma, Qingzhong Chen, Dennis C. Li, Haijun Wu, Ting-Pin Chen, Son-nan Tang, Mei-Ling McNamara, Michael Lu, Erin Huang, Li‐Ying Liu, Chwen-chi Tsendsuren, Saruultuya Li, Chu-Shiu Lonare, Gunratan Fung, Hung-gay All co-authors industry insurance versicherung property liability evidence governance lebensversicherung structure corporate ownership schadenversicherung life eigentümerstruktur market taking taiwan organisationsstruktur insurers analysis organizational efficiency performance schätzung estimation haftpflichtversicherung effizienz regression companies fund concentration chinese financial demutualization japan economic unternehmenserfolg risikomodell china study random forest experience risk holdings countries reinsurance quality audit casualty crisis cost agency nonlife employee tax deductibility captive great expectations perspective institutional family control regressionsanalyse risikopräferenz sox rückversicherung finanzkrise risikomanagement anleihe bond unternehmenskonzentration risiko sachversicherung konglomerat conglomerate banks connectedness generalized event estimates residuals ceo past distress firms cognitive abilities european wage offer disparities gender quantile american community surveys organisational decisions post demutualisation auditor fees transparency reserve management asset allocation pension stochastic rates inflation protected guarantee measuring investment
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Gene C. Lai Dr. Alternative spellings: Gene Lai G. Lai Lai Gene Lai Gene Place of Activity: Charlotte, NCPlace of Activity: Pullman, Wash.Place of Activity: Kingston, RIPlace of Activity: Taipeh
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Belk College of Business Washington State University University of Rhode Island Guo li zheng zhi da xue (Taipeh)
Publishing years Series The Chinese economy (1)