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Worrall, John D. Johnson, William G. Gardner, Harold H. Baldwin, Marjorie L. McDonald, James B. Appel, David Lai, Gene C. Wilson, David C. Gardner, B. Delworth Johnson, William G. Heckman, James J. Pettigrew, Andrew M. Waters, James A. Mintzberg, Henry Li, Chu-Shiu Tsendsuren, Saruultuya Moore, Michael J. Butler, Richard Helvacian, Nurhan M. Durbin, David L. Hartwig, Robert P. Kleinman, Nathan Butler, Richard J. Kleinman, Nathan L. Park, Yong-Seung Park, Yong-seung Merrill, Craig B. Ruser, John W. Cox, Larry A. McShane, Michael K. Butler, Daniel M. Côté, Pierre Liu, Chwen-chi Wilson, Barbara L. Payner, Brook S. All co-authors unfallversicherung workers compensation strategy structure work moral hazard regression organizations claims arbeitsunfall evidence wage injury case costs estimation schätztheorie schätzung erwerbsunfähigkeit entscheidung random disparities medical managing voluntary non profit disability job decisions occupational benefits new effects cost shifting decision models regressionsanalyse lohnstruktur fehlzeit market generalized study forest life insurance gender econometrics research awards physicians care risk pain loss worker regulatory industry economics safety injuries
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Richard Butler Prof. Alternative spellings: Richard J. Butler B: 1938 Biblio: Emeritus Prof. of Organizational Analysis; tätig am Dep. of Economics, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, USA
Affiliations University of Minnesota University of Bradford. School of Management School of Management (Guildford)
Publishing years Series Routledge revivals (2) Foundations and trends in microeconomics (2)