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Rojas-Suárez, Liliana Khor Hoe Ee Kronenberg, Roger P. Bell, Michael W. Kochhar, Kalpana Tan, Kim Song Lim, Mah Hui Tumbarello, Patrizia Guajardo, Jaime Peiris, Shanaka Jayanath Kronenberg, Roger Pim-orn Wacharaprapapong Lee, Jason Robinson, Edward Supaat, Saktiandi Foo, Suan Yong Tseng, Wanda Chaipat Poonpatpibul Burton, David Mihaljek, Dubravko Kawai, Masahiro Guinigundo, Diwa C. Runchana Pongsaparn All co-authors growth staff wirtschaftslage article consultation executive report financial schuldenmanagement percent press director policy release statement credit reforms macroeconomic investment economy china inflation solomon islands facility public while potential board discussion economic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Hoe Ee Khor Dr. Alternative spellings: Hoe Ee Khor Hoe Ee Khor Hoe Khor Biblio: Amro Asia
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds. Asia and Pacific Department Abu Dhabi Council for Economic Development Monetary Authority of Singapore. Economic Policy Department Internationaler Währungsfonds
Publishing years Series IMF country report (28) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (2) Working paper (1) Discussion papers / Turkish Economic Association (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-1, 1991 (1) EAI working paper (1) IMF working papers (1) IMF paper on policy analysis and assessment (1) IMF working paper (1)