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Prestemon, Jeffrey P. Pye, John M. Soussan, John O'Keefe, Phil Frey, Gregory E. Cubbage, Frederick W. Abt, Robert Matta, Jagannadha R. Alavalapati, Janaki R. R. Haight, Robert G. Butry, David T. Conrad, Robert F. Gillis, Malcolm Pattanayak, Subhrendu K. Kramer, Randall A. All co-authors forestry fuelwood forstwirtschaft florida forstökonomie holzenergie entwicklungsländer model agroforestry adoption management natural production damages wildfire policies tropical harvesting problems waldschaden feuer fire forstpolitik real option assess role flexibility disadoption lower mississippi alluvial valley incentives biodiversity conservation best practices forestland owners interested disturbance functions analyzing trade offs fuels suppression evaluating alternative prescribed burning reduce net economic forest taxation dynamic behavior selective extraction systems smallholders valuing global environmental good residents willingness
Composed terms forest economics developing countries agroforestry adoption damages wildfire forest degradation forest policy real option option model model assess assess role role flexibility flexibility forestry forestry agroforestry adoption disadoption disadoption lower lower mississippi mississippi alluvial alluvial valley valley incentives incentives biodiversity biodiversity conservation conservation best best management management practices practices forestland forestland owners owners interested interested natural natural disturbance disturbance production production functions functions analyzing analyzing trade trade offs offs fuels fuels management management suppression suppression damages wildfire evaluating evaluating alternative alternative prescribed prescribed burning burning policies policies reduce reduce net net economic economic damages wildfire tropical tropical forest forest harvesting harvesting taxation taxation dynamic dynamic model model harvesting harvesting behavior behavior selective selective extraction extraction systems systems agroforestry adoption smallholders smallholders valuing valuing global global environmental environmental good good residents residents willingness pay protect tropical rain rain forests forests finding finding local local answers fuelwood problems countries mississippi state 1994 2001
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Daniel Evan Mercer Prof. Alternative spellings: Daniel E. Mercer D. Evan Mercer Biblio: Tätig am USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station; Tätig am Centre for Resource and Environmental Policy Research, Duke Univ.