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Amacher, Gregory S. Kovacs, Kent F. Polasky, Alan Stephen Malik, Arun S. Yemshanov, Denys Koch, Frank H. Cobourn, Kelly M. Mercader, Rodrigo J. McCullough, Deborah G. West, Grant Homans, Frances R. Venette, Robert C. Turgeon, Jean J. Fournier, Ronald E. Busby, Gwenlyn Bluffstone, Randall Ames O'Neil-Dunne, Jarlath Locke, Dexter H. Kovas, Kent F. Fackler, Paul L. Romero, Carlos Jung, Suhyun Tóth, Sándor F. Horie, Tetsuya Martell, David Rogers, Luke W. Sander, Heather Siegert, Nathan W. Crowley, Christian S. L. Mercer, Daniel Evan Prestemon, Jeffrey P. Tajibaeva, Liaila Hof, John G. Marshall, Elizabeth Murray, Alan T. Snyder, Stephanie A. Gunn, Eldon Najmaddin, Akhundov Coulston, John W. Wear, David N. Zook, Kate Nowak, David J. Bushaj, Sabah Büyüktahtakın, İ. Esra MacQuarrie, Chris J. K. Swystun, Tom Lu, Bo D'Amours, Sophie All co-authors species invasive forestry forstpolitik forstwirtschaft optimal pflanzenschutz artenvielfalt biodiversity control bioeconomics bioökonomik brandschutz tree stochastic optimization forest approach emerald ash borer strategies amenities urban cost price wald uncertainty schädlinge pests value cover property united states analysis operations infestation cooperative dynamic bargaining jurisdictions counties problem reserve selection social communities information case study land model prevention afforestation klimaschutz immobilienpreis verhandlungstheorie naturschutzgebiet feuer fire wildtierschutz estimating present carbon sequestration forests evaluating federal climate change mitigation policies values national meta risk averse multi stage
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Robert G. Haight Dr. Alternative spellings: Robert Haight B: 1955 Biblio: Tätig bei der US Forest Service North Research Station, St. Paul, Minn., USA
Affiliations USA. Northern Research Station