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Petersen, Bent Welch, Lawrence S. Lunnan, Randi Tomassen, Sverre Rygh, Asmund Narula, Rajneesh Raziq, Muhammad Mustafa Gripsrud, Geir Asmussen, Christian Geisler Pedersen, Torben Grøgaard, Birgitte Sousa, Carlos M. P. Mudambi, Ram Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro Amdam, Rolv Petter Borini, Felipe Mendes Meyer, Klaus E. Malik, Omer Farooq Isaac, Victor Ragazzi Ahmad, Mansoor Paul, Justin Hashai, Niron Gioia, Carmine Dovgan, Olesya Humphrey, John Coltman, Tim Bru, Kathrine Perm-Ajchariyawong, Nidthida Devinney, Timothy Michael Goldeng, Eskil Grünfeld, Leo Andreas Grøgaard, B. Toulson, Paul K. Ahmad, Mansoor Strange, Roger Torgersen, Kristine Birkinshaw, Julian Zhou, Yue Maggie Yan, Ji Tallman, Steve Zilja, Flladina Boustanifar, Hamid Zhang, Dan Adarkwah, Gilbert Kofi Kang, Yuanfei Grøgaard, Birgitte Fehlner, Corina All co-authors foreign auslandsinvestition norway norwegen globalisierung globalization multinational mode operation enterprises international direct headquarters market unternehmenszentrale organizing firms internationalization subsidiaries countries transaktionskosten owned state strategy role entry tochtergesellschaft eigentümerstruktur desinvestition disinvestment perspective divestment innovation investments periphery unternehmenserfolg decisions structure new relationship strategies conceptual global change corporate ownership roles mne analysis methods china mnes modes integration empirical operations activities choice promotion bargaining coordination economies entscheidung decision finnland finland schätzung estimation key strategic moving local multinationals capital effects performance dealing risk institutional reduce enterprise structures business special issue flexibility embeddedness benefits case study governance chain emerging know where realistic conceptualisations states challenges world investigation industry factors patterns
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Gabriel R. G. Benito Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Gabriel R. Benito G. R. G. Benito Gabriel Robertstad Garcia Benito B: 1960 Biblio: Norwegian School of Management, Dep. of Strategy and Logistics, Oslo, Norway ; Inst. of Internat. Economics and Management, Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
Profession Economist
Affiliations Handelshøyskolen BI
Publishing years Series Institute of International Economics and Management (5) Global strategy journal (1) Working paper / Centre for Corporate Governance Research, BI Norwegian School of Management (1) Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (1) CBIR working paper series (1)