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Morgan, S. Philip Brewster, Karin L. Kim, Minja Kravdal, Øystein Basten, Stuart Thévenon, Olivier Kavee, Andrew L. Offutt, Kate Cohen, Barney Sandefur, Gary D. Brauner-Otto, Sarah R. Guilkey, David K. Tsuya, Noriko Bumpass, Larry L. Zhao, Zhongwei Sanderson, Warren C. Testa, Maria Rita Sobotka, Tomáš Rotkirch, Anna Rosero-Bixby, Louis Mills, Melinda Leridon, Henri Frejka, Tomas Berghammer, Caroline Van Bavel, Jan Adserà, Alícia Abbasi-Shavazi, M. Jalal Zeman, Kryštof Pagnini, Deanna L. All co-authors low fertility fertilität countries global survey experts
Composed terms fertility countries fertility low fertility settings fertility women level education survey results convergence fertility family planning educational achievement institutionelle infrastruktur institutional infrastructure weibliche arbeitskräfte women workers future fertility low fertility countries nontraditional nontraditional family family related related attitudes attitudes japan japan macro macro micro micro determinants determinants changing
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ronald R. Rindfuss Prof. Alternative spellings: R. R. Rindfuss Ronald Rindfuss Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Publishing years Series Working papers / Vienna Institute for Demography (1) Memorandum / Department of Economics, University of Oslo (1)