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Zeman, Kryštof Lesthaeghe, Ron J. Sword, Keith Sobotka, Tomáš Okólski, Marek Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia Neels, Karel Sobtoka, Tomáš Sardon, Jean-Paul Zacharov, Sergej V. Jones, Gavin W. Gietel-Basten, Stuart Zhao, Zhongwei Thévenon, Olivier Basten, Stuart Testa, Maria Rita Rotkirch, Anna Rosero-Bixby, Louis Rindfuss, Ronald R. Morgan, S. Philip Mills, Melinda Leridon, Henri Kim, Minja Berghammer, Caroline Van Bavel, Jan Adserà, Alícia Abbasi-Shavazi, M. Jalal Sanderson, Warren C. All co-authors fertility fertilität low population childbearing future trends central eastern women cohort countries century global survey experts bevölkerungsentwicklung kohortenanalyse osteuropa past recuperation family patterns austria present contemporary Österreich results level levels lowest familienplanung familienpolitik
Composed terms central eastern eastern europe international migration demographic development cohort analysis internationale migration fertility countries migration central international comparative analysis family planning family policy fertility low fertility trends postponement recuperation recuperation cohort cohort fertility childbearing patterns fertility austria contemporary childbearing austria germany germany switzerland european context depth studies studies migration europe case pracovní síly level education survey results convergence fertility east asia lowest fertility women born fertility levels population policy demographic transition transition revisited revisited cohort cohort perspective perspective future future fertility low fertility countries comprehensive comprehensive analyses analyses fertility trends russian russian federation federation past past half half century century postponement fertility new new analytical analytical projection projection methods methods application application fertility fertility family family policies policies central europe birth birth cohort cohort overlays overlays changing changing childbearing patterns unique unique proximate proximate fertility fertility determinant determinant unexpected unexpected tempo tempo effects effects apparent apparent failure russia pronatalist policies fertility austria past past present
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Tomas Frejka Dr. B: 21. November 1932 Chomutov D: 17. April 2022Biblio: United Nations Economic Comm. for Europe, Geneva (1996)Death Place:
Profession Demograph
Affiliations University of Oxford
Publishing years Series MPIDR working papers (3) Economic studies (3) Working papers / Vienna Institute for Demography (2) European demographic research papers (1) Rozpravy Československé Akademie Věd / Řada společenských věd (1) A Population Council Book (1)