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Höller, Peter Vergriete, Patrice Martijn, Jan Kees Bakker, Bas B. Estevão, Marcelo M. Kollau, Caroline Pani, Marco Meyers, Kenneth K. Jäger, Albert Lenseigne, Fabrice All co-authors market fiscal internal belgium issues implementation economic belgien statistical appendix relations european union wirtschaftsstatistik consequences unfinished business subsidiarity finanzausgleich subsidiarität währungsunion steuerharmonisierung selected prepared marie odile louppe paper
Composed terms eu staaten eu countries internal market ec internal statistical appendix relations european european union market implementation implementation economic economic statistics eu binnenmarkt single european market economic consequences consequences unfinished unfinished business intergovernmental transfers monetary union tax harmonization belgium selected selected issues marie odile odile louppe belgium statistical union fiscal business ec eu level macroeconomic performance europäische union issues prepared prepared kees kees martijn martijn marie louppe marcello marcello estevão estevão kingdom kingdom netherlands netherlands aruba aruba statistical appendix prepared prepared staff staff team team consisting consisting caroline caroline kollau kollau marie louppe belgium issues labor labor product
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Marie-Odile Louppe Biblio: OECD (1994)
Publishing years Series IMF staff country report (4) IMF country report (2) Working papers / OECD, Economics Department (2) OECD working papers (2) OECD Economics Department Working Papers (2)