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Jafarov, Etibar Perroni, Carlo Klemm, Alexander Ogawa, Sumiko Visconti, Claudio Maino, Rodolfo Lim, Cheng Hoon Shiells, Clinton Russell Ramirez, Gustavo Jacoby, Ulrich Xu, Rui Hussain, Mumtaz Mulaj, Dafina Fuli, Ejona Deléchat, Corinne El Harrak, Mohamed Chen, Shiyuan Mathieu, Paul Gelbard, E. Maino, Rodolfo Gelbard, Enrique Louppe, Marie-Odile All co-authors financial reports crisis economic repression stability banking countries paper russian cross sub saharan study model significant investment wirtschaftswachstum latin america caribbean border africa public time using reform regional policy political development corruption issues reviews assess country while analysis risks easily impact data particularly key korruption banca romana resilience fragile states expenditure communication quality strong assessment including african subsidiaries discusses determinants finds expansion rates credit capital operations policies government losses asset powers weakened zentralbank insights building russia driving energy commitment equilibrium composition subsidy incentives debt result publish latest content transparency provide vulnerabilities differences improved adopting comprehensive thematic thought strategy regular predictable
Composed terms financial stability sub saharan economic growth stability reports america caribbean cross border saharan africa regional economic border banking russian crisis russian growth central bank subsahara afrika sub saharan africa reports latin latin america building resilience fragile states russia driving driving regional commitment political political equilibrium expenditure composition composition economic development benin growth russia financial crisis countries latin caribbean publish publish financial study reviews reviews latest latest issues issues assess assess content content quality quality transparency while reports reports provide provide strong strong analysis analysis risks risks vulnerabilities vulnerabilities significant significant cross cross country country differences differences reports reports improved improved adopting adopting comprehensive thematic assessment assessment financial stability thought thought communication communication strategy strategy including including regular regular predictable predictable publication publication schedule schedule easily easily accessible accessible website important enhance enhance impact impact reports reports data data gaps gaps particularly particularly disaggregated disaggregated level level material material need need urgently banking supervision caribbean countries gus staaten cis countries baltic countries repression knocking using data pan african orbis fitch fitch study africa ssa
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Marco Pani
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds
Publishing years Series IMF working papers (5) IMF Working Paper (4) African Department / International Monetary Fund (2) Warwick economic research papers (2) Departmental Papers / Policy Papers: African Departmental Paper No. 15/5 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-42, 2005 (1) Working papers / Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (1) Departmental Papers (1) IMF working paper (1) IMF staff country report (1)