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Ramey, Garey Den Haan, Wouter J. White, Halbert Reiter, Michael Gottschling, Andreas Rens, Thijs van Ebell, Monique Sonntag, Marcus Giacomini, Raffaella Ebell, Monique C. Politis, Dimitris N. Bertail, Patrice White, Jr., Halbert L. Skriner, Edith Grohall, Günther Schuh, Ulrich Felderer, Bernhard Sonntag, Marcus Sögner, Leopold All co-authors market model labor product job bargaining rates wage competition participation unemployment endogenous arbeitslosigkeit turbulence entry rigidity vacancy supply models paper european workers effect individual creation increase standard density employment neural stock data aggregate search erwerbstätigkeit matching deregulation applications volatility results equilibrium volatilität deregulierung marktstruktur arbeitsmarkt institutions form trading jobs calibration economy estimation collective suchtheorie arbeitsangebot konjunktur schätzung outcomes forecasting networks information dynamic main shocks long distributions using explanation new relationship attributed vacancies calibrated forecasts lohnrigidität arbeitsuche lohnbildung arbeitsmarkttheorie prognoseverfahren fluctuations closed whether replicate barriers match schätztheorie miracle business cycle distribution statistics network index explains leads puzzle rigid consistent changes productivity explain rise reassess mortensen
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Christian Häfke Mag.rer.soc.oec., PhD Alternative spellings: Christian Haefke C. Haefke Biblio: Social Science Division, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Affiliations Institut für Höhere Studien Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Universitat Pompeu Fabra University of California, San Diego. Department of Economics Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (Barcelona)
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (8) Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (7) IZA Discussion Paper (6) IHS economics series : working paper (5) Reihe Ökonomie (4) Discussion paper / Department of Economics, University of California San Diego (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) Working papers / Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (2) Research notes in economics & statistics (2) Boston College working papers in economics (1) Série des documents de travail / Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (1) Working paper / Studienzentrum Gerzensee (1) Kiel working paper (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) NBER Working Paper (1) Working papers / Studienzentrum Gerzensee (1) FIW-Studien : FIW-Studie (1) Discussion paper (1) FIW research reports (1) GLO discussion paper (1) IHS working paper (1) Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (1)