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Cheung, Lydia Jin, Yinghua Reed, W. Robert Cowan, Robin A. Hickson, Stephen Fountain, John Watt, Richard Fauchart, Emmanuelle Foray, Dominique Woodfield, Alan E. All co-authors crime lockdown analysis covid economic new zealand mobility chinese covid 19 coronavirus kriminalität wirkungsanalyse epidemie epidemic china did really cause growth meta lockdowns offending neuseeland israel auslandsinvestition wirtschaftswachstum initial dynamic effects pandemic teaching money preliminary empirical exploration probabilities sprayed death lock pest control strategies
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Philip Gunby Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Canterbury
Publishing years Series Working paper (8) Economics working paper series (1) Discussion paper / Department of Economics, University of Canterbury (1) Research report / Department of Economics, Social Science Centre, The University of Western Ontario (1)