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Mody, Ashoka Clements, Benedict J. Coady, David P. Alleyne, Trevor Newiak, Monique Elborgh-Woytek, Katrin Sdralevich, Carlo A. Leigh, Daniel Kochhar, Kalpana Mendes Tavares, Marina Gupta, Sanjeev López, J. Humberto Gupta, Sanjeev Shang, Baoping Igan, Deniz Gomes, Diego Braz Pereira Kpodar, Kangni Peralta-Alva, Adrian Eklou, Kodjovi Escolano, Julio Gutiérrez, Eva Ivaschenko, Iryna V. Corbacho, Ana Mitra, Srobona Flamini, Valentina Abiad, Abdul Bennett, Herman Harnack, Joachim García-Verdú, Rodrigo Zouhar, Younes Burgess, Robert Mark Pellechio, Anthony J. Kramarenko, Vitali Baker, Carol Xiao, Yuan Madrid, Pamela Alonso-Gamo, Patricia Tamirisa, Natalia T. Begashaw, Girma Zanforlin, Luisa Drummond, Paulo Wang, Qing Hussain, Mumtaz Leite, Sérgio Pereira Zanna, Felipe Narita, Futoshi Fruttero, Anna Gurara, Daniel Zerfu Kpodar, Roland Kangni Li, Bin Clements, Benedict J. All co-authors countries growth energy economic income budget low subsidios energía institutions developing global market fiscal policies work subsidies east labor paper macroeconomic shocks challenges reforms potential sdn capital competitiveness deficits entwicklungsländer policy second international analysis participation including public exchange european finanzpolitik fuel macro structural subsidy economy gains equity vulnerabilities financial large republic rate sector discusses different subvention real risks commodity crisis transition eastern assets political using
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Stefania Fabrizio
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds. Fiscal Affairs Department
Publishing years Series IMF country report (8) IMF working paper (8) IMF working papers (7) IMF staff discussion note (5) Staff Discussion Notes (4) IMF Working Papers (4) Departmental paper (2) IMF policy discussion paper (2) Strategy, policy, and review department (1) Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (1)