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All co-authors schätzung estimation price international wheat weizenpreis reexamination dynamics market cointegration reconciling chinese meat production consumption data fractional false rejection law commodity markets consumer producer influences agricultural policy formulation empirical evidence relationships canadian prices error correction approach fleisch tierhaltung futtermittel china rohstoffmarkt preiskonvergenz australien australia agrarprotektionismus entwicklungsländer industrieländer
Composed terms wheat price reexamination price price dynamics dynamics international international wheat wheat market reconciling chinese chinese meat meat production production consumption consumption data data reexamination market fractional fractional cointegration cointegration false false rejection rejection law law price price international international commodity commodity markets markets consumer consumer producer producer influences influences agricultural agricultural policy policy formulation formulation empirical empirical evidence evidence relationships relationships canadian canadian wheat wheat prices prices cointegration cointegration error error correction correction approach approach reexamination market animal husbandry animal feed commodity market price convergence 1966 1993 agricultural protectionism neue politische Ökonomie public choice soziale wohlfahrtsfunktion social welfare function developing countries industrialized countries 1978 1993
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Darnell B. Smith Alternative spellings: Darnell Smith D. B. Smith Biblio: Iowa State Univ., Ames, Iowa (1996)
Publishing years Series Working paper / Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University (2)