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Kilbourne, William E. Zenker, Sebastian Christensen, Annemarie G. Wagner, Elke Gwozdz, Wencke Botschen, Günther Sørensen, Elin Grunert, Klaus G. Grønhøj, Alice Kristensen, Kai Pardo, Mercedes Dam, Ynte K. van Carlsen, Jack Botschen, Martina Hansen, Torben Thelen, Eva M. Pelsmacker, Patrick de Moons, Ingrid Jonas, Morten Sune Stubbe Solgaard, Hans Smith, David E. Langer, Roy Thomsen, Thyra Uth Barbarossa, Camilla All co-authors denmark dänemark konsumentenverhalten environmental consumer role national netherlands indikatoren umweltbewusstsein niederlande belgium place consumers issue tourism europe dsp economic multi commitment organizations research subjektiven wohlbefindens beziehungen werthaltungen schenken freizeit generationen geschlechtsunterschiede kulturellen ernährungsverhalten körperaufmerksamkeit belgien marketingmanagement lebensmittel food tourismus umweltbelastung pollution spanien spain verbraucherberatung umweltschutz umweltökonomik formation usage intention electric cars comparative study italy measuring brand image effects flagship projects brands case hamburg antecedents consequences response health information complexity branding narrowed perspective drivers knowledge sharing propositions motivational differences netnographie changes trends alcohol consumption patterns functional foods perceptions england perspectives environment rationality reconciliation nep danes euro caught dilemma pride pragmatism socio
Composed terms consumer behaviour environmental consciousness multi national national comparison environmental commitment consumer organizations environmental economics zufriedenheit glück glück indikatoren indikatoren subjektiven subjektiven wohlbefindens beziehungen werthaltungen werthaltungen schenken schenken freizeit freizeit generationen generationen geschlechtsunterschiede geschlechtsunterschiede kulturellen kulturellen vergleich marketing management social web consumer advice environmental protection formation usage usage intention intention electric electric cars cars comparative comparative study study denmark denmark belgium belgium italy italy measuring measuring brand brand image image effects effects flagship flagship projects projects place place brands brands case case hamburg hamburg antecedents antecedents consequences consequences consumers consumers response response health health information information complexity complexity place place branding branding issue issue narrowed narrowed tourism tourism perspective drivers knowledge sharing propositions role motivational changes trends trends alcohol alcohol consumption patterns europe functional foods consumer perceptions dsp nep nep danes danes euro euro caught dilemma national pride economic pragmatism socio economic dimensions dsp multi role environmental concern role notwendigkeit paradigmenwechsels means end end chains like highly
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Suzanne C. Beckmann Dr. Alternative spellings: Suzanne C. Grunert-Beckmann Suzanne C. Grunert-Beckmann Suzanne C. Grunert Susanne C. Grunert Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Marketing for Intercultural Communication and Management, Copenhagen Business School, DK (1997); Ass. Prof., Dep. of Marketing, Odense Univ. (1995)
Publishing years Series Working paper (6) Arbeitspapier / Institut für Haushalts- und Konsumökonomik. Universität Hohenheim, Lehrstuhl für Konsumtheorie und Verbraucherpolitik (4) Working paper / The Aarhus School of Business, Centre for Market Surveillance, Research and Strategy for the Food Sector (2) Working papers in marketing (2) CeSaM working paper (2) Arbeitspapier (1)