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Levy, Ori Vale, Bent Gurevich, Gregory Kudryavtsev, Andrey Kim, Moshe Sarig, Oded H. Qadan, Mahmoud Gilad, Dalia Shehu, Edlira Sonsino, Doron Levit, Boris Tsur, Iris Weiner, Bernard Baharad, Eyal Beese, Henning Levy, Meira Puhan, Tatjana Xenia Rachevski, Israel Zwinkels, Remco C. J. Assem, Martijn J. van den Page, John R. Bayer, Thomas Rosett, Joshua G. Raviv, Yaron Siev, Smadar Chen, Nir Gelʹman, Sergej V. Vogel, Rick All co-authors anlageverhalten market switching decision making entscheidung financial costs value börsenkurs evidence investors ratings rating moody prices experiment verhaltensökonomik risikopräferenz markets volatility light reaction estimating model fine volatilität emotion finanzmarkt risikoaversion ankündigungseffekt decisions vix stock priming firm specific new economic firms oligopolistic mood probabilities data average announcement heuristik heuristics induced real case psychological role media availability heuristic company events empirical field study prospect risk probability function asset point demand strategic consumers transition equations share contain estimate loans cost customer relationship changes accompanied fundamental refinement issuers schätzung estimation entscheidungstheorie kapitaleinkommen risiko medienwirkung erwartungsbildung erwartungsnutzen wechselverhalten kostenmanagement oligopol oligopoly unternehmensanleihe kreditwürdigkeit informationswert wellbeing behavior covid effect time stress traffic congestion holidays mechanisms honesty life idiosyncratic returns employing shed processes short trading day emotions psychology art old analyst manipulation failure expected
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Doron Kliger Alternative spellings: D. Kliger Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Haifa, Haifa, Israel; Tätig an der Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania, Pa., USA
Publishing years Series Working papers / Financial Institutions Center (1) Arbeidsnotat / Norges Bank (1) Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research (1)