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Acri, Kristina M. L. Acri née Lybecker, Kristina M.L Moore, Jeffrey A. Popp, David Moore, Jeff Gurley, Nicole Brown, Amy Stiller-Shulman, Alex Taylor, Corrine H. Lara, Christen Juhl, Ted Fischer, Stephen Fenn, Aju J. Carlson, David K. Siripong, Nalyn Shoyleva, Kristina Evenson, Robert E. Scowcroft, Sylvie Acri née Lybecker, Kristina M.L. Stimpert, J. L. Preston, Claire Sneed, Katherine A. Hughes, Christopher R. Blelloch, Siena Altieri, Claire Smith, Mark Griffin Crabb, Joseph M. Mareva, Milena Pray, Carl E. Ali, Ayfer Fuglie, Keith O. Brown, Amy S. Keogh, Daniel Johnson, Hilary S. Stiller-Shulman, Alex Julian Nadar, Devin Schultheis, Amy Polk, Stephen W. Peprah, James Atta Benson, Cassandra Van Wagoner, Phoenix Qin, Tianyi Lybecker, Kristina M. All co-authors knowledge time analysis patent data using paper environmental wissenstransfer new sector innovation market research while use importance innovations patents
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Daniel K. N. Johnson Alternative spellings: D. K. N. Johnson Daniel Johnson Biblio: Ass. Prof., tätig am Dep. of Economics and Business, Colorado College, CO, USA; Tätig am Wellesley College, MA, USA
Publishing years Series Faculty working papers / Department of Economics and Business, Colorado College (25) Colorado College Working Paper (14) Working paper / Department of Economics, Wellesley College (4) NBER Working Paper (2) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) OECD science, technology and industry working papers (1) OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers (1)